Category: ETS 2 Maps

ETS2 – Rusmap V2.2.1 (1.38.x)

Rusmap V2.2.1 mod for ETS2 1.38.x. Map Version 2.2.1 (1.38) – 18.08.20 The city of Vitebsk has been completely redesigned. Border posts in the Vitebsk region have been rebuilt. Added Murmansk, Monchegorsk, And Kandalaksha. Implemented...

ETS2 – Bolivia Map (1.38.x)

Bolivia Map mod for ETS2 1.38.x. The map of Bolivia will contain the following cities: -VILLAZON -TUPIZA -COTAGAITA -PAZÑA -TICATICA -CORIPATA -CHULUMANI -COROICO -MACHACAMARCA -UYUNI -CHALLAPATA -ORURO -SUCRE -COCHABAMBA -LA PAZ. You will also have...