Game Version: ETS2 1.44

Bmw E36 ETS2 1.44

Bmw E36 mod for ETS2 1.44. -1.44 Correction-Organized ones-Fixed the glass rain issue-Physics has been corrected-Fixed the issue of glass glare-Fixed the glass reflection issue – HQ Model– Ao(Ambiyans Coating)–New wheels

Tofas Sahin ETS2 1.44

Tofas Sahin mod for ETS2 1.44. Updated to 1.44 Vehicle features– Animated sunroof (works with right glass)– 4 different chassis options– 5 different rim options– Xenon lights– Ambient lighting (works with O Key)– Orange indicator...

Chevrolet Tahoe 2007 V3.1 ETS2 1.44

Chevrolet Tahoe 2007 V3.1 mod for ETS2 1.44. Specifications:– Realistic 5.3 L V8 engine– Realistic 4-speed automatic transmission– LED Strobes & Beacon accessory– Interior accessories– 6 rims– 2 chassis (Rear-Wheel-Drive & All-Wheel-Drive)– High-quality interior and...